
I look at a thing and what I see is usually not the thing but what my thoughts allow me to see.

The reason you can err in the first place is because there is Truth. The error is not in the Truth but what you raise against the Truth. All we have been doing thus far is correcting our errors (learning to conform to truth) Yes, all of us! From the layman to the most renowned scientist.

“There is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so.” ~Shakespeare

So random you will say, but it is so, only because of the ‘tool’ you are currently using. The mind finds meaning and uses its ability to do so, to paint everything else. What it cannot find meaning in, it cannot use. Oh, but things are what they are even before the said meaning is found. We have no power over the immutable. Yes, Truth does not conform, it surely can’t! And if Truth can’t conform, then everything is as it is, Perfect! The error therefore lies with us or should I rather say in us.

If God is good, nothing I do can ever change that.

What the heart already knows takes learning for the mind to know…

Where my heart is, hasn’t been found by my life yet. For I keep going into the illusion that my life is my mind (I think, therefore I am)

What else will say ‘my life’, If not my mind? That which thinks it can own something or perhaps even everything. Oh, don’t you see it’s only in thinking that immutable things seem to do what they cannot do? That is, to take up other forms. If my dad is truly my dad, then the only place I can deny this truth and live in error will be the place outside Reality; my mind. It always comes down to my reality against ‘Reality’.

Out there, beyond us (our thoughts) is perfection. Hence it’s only in thinking that we err! (harbour things that are not) The way not to ‘taint’ perfection is to leave it be. And the way to engage it as it is without blemish, is to believe. In believing you make no change but accept the things as they are, that is the only way you can make the utmost use of them.

Now be perfect

The old man said to me;
“What God has made is perfect and you can’t do anything more to it or about it. Instead of accepting who God has made you to be and manifesting that perfect identity, you rather choose to go in circles trying to create what your idea of a better life is. The work is finished and the work is perfect so stop working in vain with your unskilled hands. When I say be perfect, I’m not asking you to do anything extraordinary, I am just asking you to become who I already made you to be. For whatever I made is already perfect, so become perfect!”

Lean not on your own understanding (product of your thoughts), come out of it and you will see error fall behind as well.


Photo credits to the rightful owners. Thank you!


“I do nothing on my own, but as I see the Father doing, I also do!”

He said; Boy, today I will tell you a mystery.
The car you see was at first perceived only as a thought in the realm of mind. Everything created (artificial or natural) first started off as a thought. But at the heart of that thought is something I would like to bring to your attention.

Have you noticed that during the development of a fetus (a model of creation), the first organ to emerge is the heart, it forms way before the brain (the organ for thought). This brings to light the fact that, in the scheme of creation, the heart of the matter is always required before the mind.

So, if a thought precedes a creation, then the heart that nourishes and sustains everything before and after that first thought is called Desire.

The mind that conceived the thought and idea of an aeroplane responded to the call (desire) of a heart that earnestly wanted to see humans fly in the sky like birds.

So desire and hold on to it, and a door will open up, giving you a way for you to think about what you are desiring. That thought will eventually make you see what you are desiring (remember your eyes are part of your brain and therefore in thinking clearly, we see). You finally become a creator when you make/do what you see from your thoughts.

Those who have genuine desires to do the will of God. Start having thoughts on that desire and with that, they begin to see for themselves what the Father expects them to do, then they go ahead and do it.


Photo credits to the rightful owners. Thank you

The Creator’s image

“And just like ‘in the beginning’, out of nothing (You) will come everything (God)”… Nothing struck me as much as these words inscribed on that mirror.

He said, Look into the mirror what do you see? You call it an image and you call yourself the object. Now, look into this other ‘mirror’ and tell me what you see. If all you see is still you, pause and look again, not harder but deeper this time…

Bring yourself out of yourself for you can’t really do anything ‘purposeful’ of yourself. If you try, you are sure to meet unfulfillment, stress, dissatisfaction and despair. Because the very concept of purpose precedes the created (For the purpose of a table is first considered before it is made. Oh, no wonder we are known even before we are formed in our mothers’ wombs).

For the created to know its purpose, is for it to know what it is capable of and for it to know what it’s capable of, is for it to know who it is. A dog can be a dog simply by being a dog, because it wasn’t created in the image of anything else (it is sort of the object of itself). But man, oh man, isn’t an object of himself but an image of God. Therefore, man cannot truly know who man is without knowing God (his Object). Hence you cannot do anything purposeful with ‘yourself’ taking the lead role as the object.

Those who have tasted true power and creativity know it doesn’t belong to them and have long stopped taking credit for them. They become blind to the concept of winners and losers and see for themselves how they lack nothing or even if they acknowledge their nothingness, they also understand that the source of everything was from nothing in ‘the beginning’. And for this reason they give and keep giving without holding back for fear of eventual scarcity because they have truly found abundance!

God is Love. Hence to be selfish is to be out of harmony with God (The object).
He who said love your neighbour as yourself, is the same Person who admonishes you to lose your selves and follow Him. For self can’t possibly go where Love is leading it to.

You say in your heart, What is man that you are mindful of? And here, I tell you from my heart, man is the image of God and for that reason God is very mindful of how His image is represented. Reality check – Yes, you are indeed the light of this world!

Now look into that ‘mirror’ again, if all you see is nothing, you have seen well. For all you thought you were, is gone. And that nothingness being reflected in that mirror is proof that what you truly are is beyond your comprehension and sense of perception. Oh, man, so lean not on your own understanding!

I just came out of a dream. Incoherent as my thoughts may seem. These bits and pieces are all I could glean. So I would leave them as such.

Photo credits to the rightful owners.

Metamorphosis – Our way home

You wake up one ‘morning’ to realize and rediscover something that has always been inside of you. From there, you find all that is incompatible with it, and you let go of them to create room for the things that are compatible with it.
You start to see how the world around you is changing, especially how you are enveloped by uncertainty everywhere and yet for some strange reason you find peace and comfort in that uncertainty, because now you have eyes to see the infinite possibilities hidden in it.
You start to gradually remember all that you had forgotten. And with every remembrance you smile at how long you lived in the forgetfulness of your very being.

The caterpillar learns and obeys the outer world, the chrysalis learns about the inner world. Oh, but what comes out isn’t only beautiful but has learnt how to give life to what it once destroyed
So many caterpillars wishing to become butterflies, yet they haven’t found the cocoon! Is it because they believe all they are is what they have come to know as the caterpillar? Hence refusing to let that image go? There is a truth beyond the caterpillar that the caterpillar must know. Do you know who is gonna teach you from the inner world? The real teacher of the inner world? Do you know who the christians call the Holy spirit?  He is the one to teach you all things, and how is he going to do this? From within. Those who have found the Holy spirit are those who have truly found the real cocoon of life – Ready to transform

Now the butterfly has lost its attachment to the earth. It is free to fly, It has a gentle touch on earth. It has developed eyes for beauty (flowers) yet it once had eyes only for leaves. It has the right ‘organs’ to extract ‘nectar’ from life. It is complete enough to contribute to creation (reproduce). It now lives a life of heaven on earth. Finally it serves as a model for all the caterpillars to see their true potential.

Once, the most beautiful butterfly roamed this world and He put all the caterpillars in a permanent state of awe. Yet, He simply looked at them and said, look at me, there is a more glorious way for you too. I am the way, the truth and the life. What I am, you can all become! You simply need that transformational power of Truth!

Photo credit to the rightful owner.

Love, Truth and Light

Until love becomes a state of being, all else is unfruitful. For there’s truly nothing spiritual without love. Remember God is a Spirit and God is Love. The only reason why you can become selfless is that, there’s ‘something’ in you that isn’t the you that you have come to know.
To realize and manifest this ‘something’ is to walk in love and truth. For where love is, truth is!

“Who told you you are naked ?”
Self is the denial of Truth. Truth is the denial of self.
Thus, the master said; “Deny yourSELF, take up your cross *daily* and follow me”
He who carries his cross is already on his way to die. In that death, the glory is seen. Oh, the great tree only emerges from the “dead” seed!
In the temple of Truth, there is no Self. For all illusions cease to manifest in there, the very first being that man is his own object!
You enter, only to see Christ everywhere. For he is the true image of the invisible God, which happens to be what man is in truth…
Every worshipper who enters the temple in spirit and truth first realizes the power of God and then the potential of man.

In a dark dark world, no one sees further than the light in hand allows him to. The light reveals, and not the good eyes of the observer.
In a dark dark world, light pointed at you from a distance only blinds you. You see the light and nothing else.
Oh, the light in hand is different from the light from a distance. The light is to be walked with and not observed from a distance. Thus, Saul became Paul. We get blinded only to recover our sights later. For he draws near from a distance and then comes to stay with us and in us. And like him, we become the light of the world.

Photo credit to the rightful owner.

When we find Him

He was formless and limitless but I was so used to defining things and thus limiting them.
What are you? My confused mind inquired. He smiled and said; “there you go again, waiting for me to define! I transcend everything and nothing, so where on this narrow scale of yours should I put myself?
You can’t catch a glimpse of me using this puny ‘nothing-everything’ scale of yours, so I will have to reveal myself to you. But first, let go of all you have come to know, become a child again (be born again) and I will show you a better way to see.”

“Come boy, and see this for yourself” I looked in His ‘mirror’ and for once, I didn’t see ‘myself’ but I saw what I had neglected inside of  me. Oh, I thought I was comfortable with ‘what I was becoming’ until I saw ‘who was revealed in that mirror’…

In the void of my heart, the inner being has been sitting idly and alone, hoping to find a way to interact with that which eyes, nose and ears lack the means to perceive.

For the sake of my lonely inner being, you drew nearer and I saw without eyes something invisible within you and heard without ears unspoken words, for the sound of the words I heard didn’t come through the ear canals.

All forms began to seem formless making the inner man smile for the first time in a very long time. The world I had come to know was falling apart yet in that chaos there was strangely a build up of warmth and a sense of absolute abundance, first within and then all around me.  Then, I finally understood there was no place for Fear, Greed, Envy, Lack and all their close friends.

What mattered began to matter and the rest were left behind. Oh, I have been thirsty for so long and ordinary days can no longer quench my thirst!

I don’t yet know what you are made of, but whatever it is, I am beginning to realize I have the same thing within me. Burn away this outer form and let what’s within become one with you (where it truly belongs). For you have proven without a doubt that you are more myself than I could ever be.

When we find Him, we find ourselves

Photo credits to the rightful owners

The obstacle is me

“Your task isn’t to seek for love but merely seek for all the obstacles within yourself that you have built against it” – Rumi

I met a man, I can’t yet describe him because I forgot about his description. What I do remember, is what he told me, He said: “Boy, in this life there are some attributes of you that you will come to find immutable, hold on to them and don’t let them go, for they are indeed the closest things to His idea of who you are. All the attributes you have that are subject to change are far from what He sees. The immutable ones are home with their Father because they have become true… Go home boy, go home and you will find your Father”

So I have spent my life up until now, gathering information and experiences just to fall back on those same inputs to define who I think I am…
Waking up this morning in search of this guy I have been carrying around called “me”, I couldn’t help but also realize how that which was doing the searching (“I”) is really trapped within this deteriorating physical form. (What is “I”?)

I tell you, I have never been far from the ordinary! And for as long as I can remember, nothing has been good and potent enough to stimulate me as I am. (What is the right stimulant?)

They say the true way out is to go in. Maybe I have never gone in deep enough! But today, I stand at my core, behind this door with an idea that there must be more to this ordinary life. A closer look at the door revealed the inscription “A huge part of the journey ahead is realizing you can’t go past the door with the version of you, you have come to know. Come as you are (immutable) and not as you think you are, for there’s no wall beyond…” (What is the door and the inscription it bears?)

Through the door I met a huge wall, a wall strangely made out of nothing but me. This ‘me’ is all I have come to know and accepted. Oh, how do I go beyond this wall? For as it stands now, all I am is me after all! Could it really be that “me” isn’t all I am?
Anyway, I guess the way beyond this wall is to find a way to proceed without me! But how can I present anything other than me?  (What else is there to present?)

Throughout the course of my ordinary life, I have noted that the only times I saw glimpses of less of me, were the moments I tried to put on love. That pure force that unites all things. In that unity we see all but the separation known as me and we get to go beyond our perceived means (Is this the sole message “I” wants to give me?)

I, is a precast image of the perfect object which I cannot make any changes to but then holds my true identity. Me, on the other hand is that mutable image I keep building for myself by putting together all the experiences and stimuli I receive from the outside. I have put me before I!

What lies beyond the ordinary clearly belongs to  I and not me. The problem here is I have put “me” before “I” and this is seen in the manifestation of the huge wall… I have come to know and believe the mutable me and all its limitations more than I and all its unending possibilities (Yes, ‘I am’, is a field of possibilities).

So, here I am before this very tangible yet unreal wall, being urged to let go of all the information and experiences gathered, in order to see clearly and embrace what had long been deposited in me. For if all I have gathered over the years is even slightly different from what has been deposited, I will in the grand scheme of things amount to nothing!

And here lies my frustration. The life beyond this wall beckons and I have my part to play… Is there really no obstacle? And does that mean “me” is only tangible but unreal? Oh, that which separates the ordinary from the extraordinary must be me…

What He knew, I must embrace

~the obstacle is me

The Owl’s message

Last night I saw the owl in my dream again. This time it wasn’t in its starry essence as previously, it rather took up a fleshy essence and flew straight to me in bed. Although I am normally the observer in my dreams, I could have sworn I felt it (esp. its weight) when it made contact with my non-observer self and my flesh confirmed that by brewing the strongest terror I had ever tasted.

I would have dashed out of bed immediately, but the sleep paralysis came in faster than my reaction time! Oh what is with me and this owl? I thought, and was somehow compelled to look into its eyes. The terror immediately fled like darkness  in the presence of light and I instantly became calm. So calm like a baby trying to learn a new language, cos in that moment of calmness I could understand the owl. It flew off right after I had attained that state, like that was all it came to do.
I woke up with so much silence in my head only to later hear the voice in my head say;

Tony, you gathered wisdom faster than you did knowledge but someday you will have ample reserves of both. Just remain calm and you will learn!

Lucky fellas

And here I am, staring foolishly at this lady. It amazes me some times, how my emotions are mostly laid back (guarded) when it comes to a lot of issues of life (making me seem indifferent) but how quickly it lights up whenever there’s a sense of wonder (like that is the only potent stimulant for my emotions).

OK, now back to me staring foolishly; a young adult was making shots on the basketball court, from all directions but what made me assume the foolish countenance on the outside was the fact that she lacked the means of missing…

So I wondered why chance or luck favoured some people better than others. I smiled as always (life had brought me something to think about) I walked on with this thought in mind only to be interrupted by a bump on my head which was followed by the words “I didn’t miss” (suggesting it was intentional). The bump was caused by a basketball. As the owner of the ball approached from an appreciable distance, I couldn’t help but notice how little-a-boy he was, he got closer and instead of apologizing for the pain caused, he rather went a step further and said; “Sorry for interrupting your thoughts, but I have a better question for you; what about thinking do you think makes you get answers to questions you don’t know? Anyway, there’s nothing like chance…” He followed that with a smile, then I knew exactly who he (the little boy) was…

What man calls chance is merely the absence of his knowledge on a particular parameter underlining the final event he sees. The mere fact that there are laws in this universe prevents what man calls chance. If you get to know all the parameters concerning a particular event, you can repeat it over and over again and the results will remain the same. Considering the case of the basketball, shooting through the hoop is the final event, if I’m able to calculate all the parameters responsible for the event, like the wind speed, direction, mass of the ball, the distance between the hoop and me etc. I can make that shot over and over again!

Are you telling me the young lady is a better calculator then? You can say that, but she did her calculations in a different way, you see, she has been practicing and that has helped her build trust in the parameters concerning that sport. Like a little child who keeps repeating the multiplication table, she has come to know the solutions by heart, jumping the steps required for calculations.

And that’s how it is with people we refer to as professionals they have trained their bodies over and over again so much that it’s getting closer and closer to the very laws that pertain to their respective games. The closer they get, the more talented they seem to us (observers) because their very being is getting in line with the laws!

The lucky fellas are those getting closer to the laws at work and as they get closer they get to first understand and second use the laws in their favour…

The laws are absolute and to beat it, you must first know this…

~Lucky fellas~

Breath of Life…

I looked closely at this vessel of mine through the eyes of my mirror. And what I saw was a boy responding to my will. I exhaled and the mirror’s eye became clouded as a result of my breath. This occurrence was enough to take me through memory lane, to a time when I first learnt that, when my warm breath hits the cold mirror it steams up, and that could even be used as an indication that I am alive.

Is life then a Breath? As some of the Holy Writs claim? I wondered to myself…

It was as though the mirror could read my mind, because right after that, it’s eyes refused to to show me my vessel; the old man became the image I saw and he immediately spoke to me.

Boy, don’t be alarmed at what you are seeing, know that the eyes are of no use if the heart can’t see. Today your heart has done well to make you see, but you must try to understand as well!

If I were the only thing that had life and nothing else existed but me; if I decide to make some thing else have life, I would only have to take a part of me and put it in whatever that thing is, so it can experience what life is through what I gave out. After all, I AM that Alone which has Life and all other things only get to experience Life (Me) because I’m truly what life is to them!

All other things will turn back into sand, for what is living isn’t the body but that which lives within it. And that which lives within it isn’t itself living but lives because of that which really Lives. If life is possible, then it’s only because of the one who truly Lives.

~breathe of life